O que estão pulverizando pelo mundo? - Legendado Português

O que estão pulverizando pelo mundo? - Legendado Português

- "Aerosol Anomalies" - Chemtrails
- Chemtrailing May Be Re-Terraforming by An Alien Species
- Chemtrails - Agentes Desinformadores de La Actual Estructura Genética (ADN)
- Chemtrails - An Airline Mechanic's Statement
- Chemtrails - An Introduction
- Chemtrails - An Updated Look at Aerosol Toxins
- Chemtrails Are Global Covert Operation for Total Control, Detecting UFOs
- Chemtrails - Are You Seeing This Too?
- Chemtrails, Cover-ups and Human Experiments
- Chemtrails - Culling the Useless Eater Population
- Chemtrails en 'Cuarto Milenio'
- Chemtrails Explained - Putting the Pieces Together
- Chemtrails Explicados - Poniendo Las Piezas Juntas
- Chemtrails Laced with Disease Organisms for Population Reduction
- Chemtrails Polluting Thunder Clouds Causing Global Warming
- Chemtrails - ¿Qué Son?
- Chemtrails - Suppressing Human Evolution
- Chemtrails - The Consequences of Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols on Human Health
- Chemtrails - The Problem and The Solution
- Chemtrails, Transmutación Genética y Transhumanidad
- Chemtrails y Morgellons - Es Peor de Lo Que Pensabas
- Climate Engineering - Technical Status, Future Directions, and Potential Responses
- Death in The Air - Global Terrorism and Toxic Warfare
- De Los Chemtrails a La PseudoVida - La Agenda Oscura de La Biología Sintética
- El Proyecto Escudo o 'Shield Project' - Fumigación Global de Chemtrails - Objetivos y Metodología Desvelada
- Ex-Piloto de Aviación Militar Habla Sobre Chemtrails - Mapa Chemtrails Mundial
- Fraudulent Normalization of Chemtrails Continues
- Geoengineering and The Aerosol Spraying of Our Skies Affects Our Health
- Geoengineering Could Disrupt Rainfall Patterns
- Geoengineering for Financial Gain - A History of Weather Derivatives
- Geoengineers to Release Planet-Cooling Gas into New Mexico Atmosphere
- Los Chemtrails Pueden Ser Modificaciones a La Tierra Por Especies Alienígenas
- Military Behind 4 Different Chemtrail Programs
- Pilot Speaks Out About Chemtrails and HAARP
- Project Cirrus Final Report - LARGE FILE
- Project Cloverleaf - Timeline, 1994 to 2001
- Qué Son Realmente los Chemtrails
- Scientists Warn Geo-Engineering Can Kill Billions of People
- Some Thoughts on Weather Modification - Chemtrail Whistleblower
- Swedish Official Admits Toxic 'Chemtrails' are Real, Not a Wild 'Conspiracy Theory'
- Ten Years Into The Chemtrail-Wars - The Breakdown of The Immune System
- The HAARP and Chemtrails Connection - Smoking Gun
- The Purpose of Chemtrails
- Unanswered Chemtrail Questions... As Evidence Mounts
- U.S. Space Shuttle Covert Mission Was Chemtrails in Space for HAARP - Leuren Moret
- Weather Manipulation, Contrails and Chemtrails - Atmospheric Geoengineering - A Review of The "Case Orange" Report
- What Chemtrails Really Are
- What in The World are They Spraying On Us?

Additional Information
- Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in The Age of Nuclear War - Chemtrails
- A Massive and Illegal Geoengineering Project Has Been Detected Off Canada’s West Coast
- Armas de Aerosol y Electromagnéticas en La Era de La Guerra Nuclear
- Bill Gates Backs Climate Scientists Lobbying for Large-Scale Geoengineering
- Bill Gates Exposed for Funding Research and Promotion of Spraying Geo-Engineered 'Chemtrails' Across Globe
- Bill Gates Funded Solar Geoengineering Causing Global Warming Effects
- Chaff = Aluminium Coated Fibres
- Case Orange - Contrail Science, Its Impact on Climate and Weather Manipulation Programs Conducted by the United States and...
- Chemtrails Nano-Tech and The Hyper-Virus - Morgellons
- Comet Elenin and Chemtrails - Message From 'Matthew' - July 12, 2011
- Días Extraños... Cielos Extraños
- El Arco Iris Manipulado - El Verdadero Propósito Tras La Manipulación de Las Estelas Químicas y La Manipulación Elec...
- ¿El Fin de La Industria de La Carne? - ¿La Mutilación de Animales Explicada?
- Estelas Químicas, Nano-Tech y el Hiper-Virus Morgellones
- Evergreen Air and A Secret Chemtrail Facility
- Gates-Funded Experiment to Spray Atmosphere With Sulphur Particles
- Geoengineering Causing Climate Change - Alarmists Cover Up
- Hand-Made Humans May Hold The Key to 'Saving The World'
- Human Engineering and Climate Change
- Illegal Aerosol Spraying Operations Over United Kingdom Airspace - An Informal Report
- Japan Earthquake-Nuke "Accident" Are Tectonic Nuclear Warfare - Scientist Say
- Los Seres Humanos 'Hechos Manualmente' Pueden Ser la Clave Para Salvar Al Mundo
- Meteréologo da El Parte del Tiempo Hablando de Chemtrails
- Ocean Fertilization - 'Rogue Climate Hacker' Russ George Raises Storm of Controversy
- Pink Chemtrail Sunsets
- Proyecto Cloverlead - Carta de Un Gerente de Una Línea Aérea
- Radiation Support for Your Immune System
- SARS and Chemtrails - Disease Outbreaks Used as Tests for a Future Engineered Epidemic, the Metaphysical Principles of...
- Scientists Push for ‘Solar Geoengineering’ With Nano Particles to Whiten Our Skies
- Solar Irradiance Reduction to Counteract Radiative Forcing from A Quadrupling of CO2
- Spider Silk - Air Force Radar Chaff Farmed from The Milk of Transgenic Goats - Infrared Sensors/Infrared Filters?
- Strange Days... Strange Skies
- Survive The Toxic Plagues - With Essential Immune Nutrients and Detox!
- The Direct Energy Age
- The Manipulated Rainbow - The Real Purpose Behind The Chemtrail and Electromagnetic Manipulation of The Atmosphere
- Una Guerra de Las Galaxias Invisible a Nuestros Ojos
- Una Teoría Sobre Los Chemtrails y El Estado de La Matrix
- U.S.A. en Panico Luego de que Aviones 'Chemtrails' Fueron Obligados a Descender en La India y Nigeria
- U.S. Climate Change Procedure Based on U.N.'s Geoengineering Governance and Technology Policy
- U.S. Reported In “Panic” After Chemtrail Planes Forced Down In India, Nigeria
- What is Geo-Engineering?

- Chemtrails - Rastros Mortales en El Cielo - La Verdadera Causa de Las Epidemias - por Amitié Nenki

- Aerosol Attack
- Aerosol Crimes - 1st Edition
- Chemtrails
- Chemtrails - Aerosol Crimes - Carnicom
- Chemtrails All Around The World
- Chemtrails and HAARP Weather Warfare - Confirmed by History Channel
- Chemtrails - Clouds of Death - Subtitulado en Español
- Chemtrails, Depopulation, and Weather Control/Warfare - Michael Murphy
- Chemtrails KC-10 Sprayer Air to Air - The Proof
- Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails - Climate Researcher Dane Wigington on GeoEngineering
- De los Chemtrails a La PseudoVida - La Agenda Oscura de La BIOLOGÍA SINTÉTICA
- Enfermedad de Morgellon por Chemtrails - La Doctora Hildegarde Habla
- Estelas Quimicas - Nubes de La Muerte
- HAARP and Chemtrails - The Coming Broadcast
- HAARP - Holes in The Sky
- Killer Chemtrails - The Shocking Truth
- ¿Qué Diablos Están Fumigando?
- Secret Sky Experiments - Documentary of An Exposed Chemtrails Conspiracy
- Stop Spraying Us!
- The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology - From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life
- The Ultimate CHEMTRUTH - Chemtrails, Morgellons Disease, and Global Depopulation - Subtitulado en Español
- Toxic Sky
- Weather Warfare, Chemtrails, HAARP
- What in The World are They Spraying On Us?
- "Why in The World are They Spraying?"

External Links
- Chemtrail Alert System

Related Reports
- EndGame - JuegoFinal - Main File
- HAARP - Main File
- Industry "Weapons" for Earth's Depopulation - Main File
- Morgellons - Main File
- Nanotechnology - Main File
- Non-Lethal Weapons - "Psychotronics" and "Silent Sound" - Main File
- Scalar Electromagnetics Technology - Main File
- Sylphs & Chemtrails - Main File
- Viruses - An Instrument in World Depopulation - Main File
- 'Who' or 'What' is Killing The Bees? - Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD - Main File

- Dois 2 Sois Em Florianópolis (07-08-2012) - Second Sun
7 de Agosto de 2012, as 17:14.Hoje Presenciei com um Grupo de Amigos um Fenomeno Raro, 2 "Sois" na Direção Oeste de Florianópolis.A olho nu percebi que havia uma outra fonte de luz atrás das nuvens a esquerda do "verdadeiro" SOL.depois de mais ou...

- Chemtrails - Nos Estão Contaminando!
SENILIDADE Um dos últimos passos no processo chamado envelhecimento. A senilidade ocorre quando o envelhecimento, acarreta um esmorecimento da memória e dificuldades físicas. Caracteriza-se por um declínio gradual no funcionamento de todos os sistemas...

- Extraterrestres - 2º Seminário Transformações Da Terra – “revelando O Que Ninguém Te Conta!”
2º Seminário Transformações da Terra – “Revelando o que ninguém te conta!” aborda assuntos atuais Chemtrails, Contrails, HAARP, atentado as torres gêmeas, anomalias cósmicas, manipulações coletivas, ocultações da ciência, energia livre...

- Existência Consciente - Estado Do Impacto Do Programa De Aerosol – Chemtrails, Entre 1999-2011
Em 10 de Janeiro de 2011, eis um relatório do Sr. Carnicom sobre o estado do programa secreto de pulverização com aerossóis em todo o mundo (Chemtrails):Este documento foi escrito para o deixar com conhecimentos básicos relacionados aos...

- 2012 Um Novo Despertar - Chemtrails No Brasil
Chemtrails, rastros quimicos, muito destes também venho observando há tempo aqui na cidade onde moro-Pindamonhangaba-SP-Brasil. Um rastro de fumaça branca, que se mistura em meio as nuvens,que se mantêm por mais de 6 horas no céu espalhando-se e...

